March 6, 2025

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Travel & Tour Tips

Safety tips for international travel

Safety tips for international travel

There are other steps you can take to keep yourself safe in a foreign country.

Whether you’re planning a holiday in nearby New Zealand or travelling further away to Europe, the United States, Canada, or Asia, knowing how to stay safe when you travel internationally is vital. Of course, it’s always recommended that you look into travel insurance to account for many unforeseen events, but there are other steps you can take to keep yourself safe in a foreign country.

Research, research, research
The best tip for staying safe when travelling internationally is to research your destination as much as possible. Read reviews and check with locals about the safest places to stay and who to call in an emergency. It’s also good to know where the closest medical and emergency facilities are just in case you need to get to them quickly.

Find the location of the Australian embassy in the city you’re travelling to so that if you need its assistance you can get it quickly. Program the embassy’s phone number in your phone, as well as those of the closest police, fire, and emergency departments to where you’re staying. It’s far better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them at hand.

Be inconspicuous
In many countries that cater to international travellers, criminals prey on tourists. They look for people who seem out of the ordinary, whether they’re looking at maps of the city, wearing clothes that do not conform to cultural norms, or flashing bundles of money when they pay for things. These criminals hang out in highly-populated areas that attract tourists and use various tactics to steal their belongings.

During the research phase of your holiday planning process, learn about how locals dress during the season you’ll be travelling so that you can wear outfits that blend in. Don’t look at maps out in the open. Use your phone or another device to direct you to various attractions and establishments. Use protective gear that keeps your money close to your body so that you don’t have to store it in a purse or pocket.

Let your friends and family know your itinerary
This is an especially important tip if you’re travelling alone. Someone back home should know approximately where you are at any given time in case something happens and they need to track your movements. Many travel planning websites allow you to share your itinerary with as many email addresses as you want.

You don’t have to go into details about what you’re doing every minute of your holiday, but giving them an idea of which city you plan to be in on what day is a precaution every traveller should take. Even if you are travelling with others, it’s still a good idea to make sure someone back home is aware of your travels, particularly when you plan to be back home.

These three tips will positively contribute to your safety when you travel internationally. Of course, you can’t completely guarantee you’ll be safe when you go to another country, but the more you plan ahead, the safe you’ll be.